Why Trust Me With Your loss?

It’s a valid question.

As a celebrant, I’m asking you to let me help you begin to process the loss of your person.  I’m asking you to share with me your precious memories.

It’s going to be emotional, I’m asking you to share your heart with me.

And I’m asking you to trust that I will hear your story and create something from your grief and jumbled thought process, and help you recognise that special relationship you shared and everything it meant to you.

As a doula, I’m asking you to trust me to advocate for you.  To trust that I am there entirely with your full authentic self, past and present, in the forefront of my mind.   I’m asking you to be vulnerable in front of me and trust that my intention is your best interests.  To signpost you, soothe you, guide you and deliver for you.

It’s a big ask. 

..and we may have only met based on a brief recommendation or a copy of one of my colourful fliers.

coffin on bier at hay meadowThat is why, whenever I am recommended to anyone, I always make it clear that, I will not be offended if you decide I’m not for you.  (Or, more accurately, my offence , is not your problem 😉  ). In times of processing dying or death, the people you surround yourself with should be those you do not have to pretend in front of.  If you feel you have to mask parts of you, or put on a show, then those people (including me as your doula or celebrant) are not the people for you.  You do not need to expend any energy ‘minding yourself’
You need to just be you, in all your emotional messiness and disjointed thinking and unexpected reactions.

At the end of the day, working with me , comes done to feeling comfortable around me and sensing that I am there totally for you in that period of time our paths are crossing.  However , there are some FACTS I can share that might help with my credibility in your decision making… but, I repeat, even with all the right skills and history, if we do not gel, then you are always free to walk away, I will even help you find someone more compatible.

Relevant Industry related Facts About Me!
  • I am a trained funeral celebrant and have been since February 2019, I trained with an accredited training company whose reviews, records, history and recommendation are highly revered in the industry.  The Celebrant Training and Coaching Academy
  • I am a member of the Association of Independent Celebrants.  Also their Regional Representative covering all of Wales
  • I co-host a podcast with my friend, mentor and owner of that academy Dinah Liversidge and you can listen to any Ask A Celebrant episode on all the main podcast streaming channels
  • I also write alongside Dinah, a regular feature for the British Institute of Funeral Directors, You can read any of our articles in The Journal by following this link. We appear from July 2024 edition
  • I am an end of life doula in training with Living Well Dying Well having completed the foundation and modules 1 & 2
  • I’m a member of End of Life Doula UK
  • As of October 2024 I am the Vice President of The Association of Independent Celebrants (and in 2025 will be their President)
  • I host monthly Remembrance and Reflection drop-in sessions from my home in Wales throughout autumn and Winter
  • I created the life and death planning products and services; My Life, My Death, My Wishes©️

Talk to Me…it’s the only way you’ll know for sure

thank you for a grateful familyDespite all of this, I still recommend that we talk before you decide.  You can book a no pressure, no obligation 20 minute chat with me by texting, messaging or calling (old fashioned I know, but digital diaries our so impersonal!)  Let me know what times best suit you and I’ll try and accommodate.