When women announce they are getting married their friends get together and arrange a hen night or weekend. Usually something pampery, for example a weekend of shopping & clubbing in Brighton; a Spa weekend; maybe some pole dancing sessions or a burlesque makeover: usually involving champagne. There might be L plates, willie shaped straws possibly a veil, but we always look after the bride-to-be and her enjoyment and wellbeing is the priority.
When the boys get together its a whole different ball game. Men tend to be more ‘mischievous’ sometimes downright mean (it appears to us ladies) It seems, in male psyche that the ‘meaner’ the plan the greater the friendship?! Maybe its a test of friendship that the more embarrassment you pile onto your ‘friend’ and the better the spirit in which they take it , the greater their friendship is proved to be. Its alien to us ladies I think – One of many examples towards proving we really are from different planets

So this weekend, arranged by a best man who , incidentally, was absent during the daytime revelry due to work commitments, had, said groom stripped to a baaing posing pouch, drink whiskey liqueur through a snorkel and bogsnorkelling in Llanwrtyd Wells. After which the poor chap had to walk the mile or back to the village – butt cheeks and all exposed (fortunately it was a warm and sunny day). It was us (or me ) that added the Bog Frog timekeeper to the day. The group had arranged a weekend that began with lunch at Neuadd Arms, special access to Waen Rhydd with a session of Bogsnorkelling, a night of revelry in and around Llanwrtyd followed by a second activity day elsewhere. I guess by stag party standards it was pretty tame – no-one died!!!!

I thought they were going to dress up so offering myself as Bog Frog, (costumed borrowed from my very ‘game’ friend, June Duncan or New Hall Guesthouse – who went to trafalgar Square and stood on the 4th plinth to help promote Llanwrtyd). As it happened, apart from the sheep posing pouch and the very kind offers to squeeze it to check it still worked after the snorkelling attempt (I did decline by the way!), I was the only one even dressed!!! Still there are worse things than spending the afternoon with a dozen men with variously toned abs and various levels of skimpy swim garment.
Here’s a stag party who joined us last year for a go in the Bog

Just another ‘less ordinary’ weekend in Llanwrtyd Wells, Bog Snorkelling capital of the world.
PS: The main event takes place this weekend & here’s some of last years pictures
Come along, watch or take part – Sunday 25th August…dare you…..