Celebrant Views

Views on Death – Pantheism

Pantheism is derived from “Pan” – all/everything “Theism”- divinity

Baruch Spinoza, a C17th  Dutch philosopher, introduced the ideas of pantheistic beliefs to a wide audience.  His views significantly influenced criticism of biblical views, and were very much at the start of the intellectual/philosophical movement that was happening across Europe throughout the C17th and C18th, The Age of Reason and Enlightenment.

Pantheism is the belief that God/The Divine is equal to the universe, its physical matter, and the forces that govern it.  The divine is everything and everywhere, every cell is divine. It takes a holistic view on spirituality through direct connection with nature, art and beauty and the search for deeper understanding via personal experience (as opposed to religious text/dogma).  Many would consider Wiccan, Paganism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc as Pantheist faiths.

Their beliefs are in the immanence of God, ie that God/Divinity is within us. Pantheist beliefs have unity with nature, and foster a sense reverence for life.

Pure Pantheists do not believe in any form of divine intervention, magic, reincarnation or an afterlife, whereas many of the pantheistic faith do, for example Paganism believes in the immanence of the Divine but also often uses divine gods, spirits or magic as a way of expressing their relationship with nature. Taoists believe birth is not a beginning; death is not an end.

The Purpose of Death

Death is indispensable to nature and evolution. Without death there would be no emergence of new individuals with genes better adapted to the changing environment. Without death there would be no procreation.  Death is the price we pay for the enjoyment of love between man and woman.

Why Fear Death without a Transcendent God?

Instinct and Consciousness: nature has given us the drive to survive. While we live we are not separated off from nature and the universe: our molecules are continually renewed every single day.  Our consciousness is never separated from the world of matter either: we are a constant stream of thoughts and neural activity. When we are alive, we are not dead. When we are dead, we are aware of nothing  However because all that really persists are our thoughts and information, most of us strive to keep our sets of both alive for as long as possible.

Death Ritual in Pantheism

Pantheism ;use of a shroud and natural burialDeath should be treated as a part of life. Medicalisation, hospitalisation result in a sanitised death which artificially delays death and stifles grief.  In modern society people die in sanitised environments away from home, community and loved ones.  The process of dying is shrouded in mystery and hidden away.  The body is disposed of in ways that prevent it returning to the earth where it belongs; often in ways that damage the environment.

As such Pantheists want little intervention, and natural burial without religious content.  People should be able to die at home where possible or openly with those they want around them. We are to both live and die in harmony with nature.

Pantheism v Panentheism

Not to be confused… Panentheism, is different to Pantheism. Panentheism views God as both immanent (living within us) and transcendent. This means that while the entire universe is a part of God, God also exists beyond the universe. As such, this God can be a personal God, a conscious being that manifested the universe with whom one can have a personal relationship.

Source : https://www.pantheism.net/

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