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My Life, My Death, My Wishes : FREEBIE

Free Checklist

I’m Berni B  and I’m here to try and normalise talk about death and dispel any myths.  I’m here to take the fear out of planning and help you through the myriad of choices, and facilitate conversations.  Let’s start by offering you a FREEBIE, and starting off gently by talking about all things practical rather than choices and emotions.

We can take that first step together.

Talking and planning really do take the fear out of death, knowing what we want and knowing how our relatives and friends feel about what we want, is a huge relief.  And putting it all in place can be an uplifting experience.  Honestly.  Trust me!

Death and dying are not the easiest of subjects to broach,  In fact, they’re not the easiest subjects to even think about and plan for for ourselves, never mind sharing our thoughts, wishes and fears with our loved ones, family and executors.
I suspect many of you have not even thought about it.  Or if you have, have found it all a bit overwhelming or morbid, and thought, “I’ll do it another time”.

My Life, My Death, My Wishes is a pick and mix package of comprehensive e-guides, downloadable template, bite-sized videos to help, and also a beautiful , comprehensive physical product in which to collate everything about your life and death.
But what is ‘everything’?
How do you even begin?

Get Your Free Checklist

I’m offering a FREE first step.  Something not too emotive but a practical checklist to help you gather together all your factual ‘stuff’ – accounts, finances, documents etc etc.
All you have to do is click on the image Free Checklist
It’s totally FREE, no strings.

And if you are brave enough to take that step, then how about also joining my FREE My Life, My Death, My Wishes facebook group.  It new! So you would be a pioneer member, helping forge the content of the future!!!
Its a space where like minded people can share concerns and where I can meet with you all and help guide you.  All for FREE
It will be there that members will get early access to any new training, guides, products and template with absolutely no obligation to do anything.  Just be part of the conversation (when you feel like it).

So why not , download the free checklist today and get started.
Then click this link and join the group.  Don’t worry, I won’t be bombarding you, and you can leave at any time x

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