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Let’s Celebrate Trans

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Let’s talk Trans Acceptance, Let’s celebrate Trans! For some time now I have been quite vocal regarding my allyship of the LGBTQA+ community.
And for even longer I have been offering services and celebrations to specifically support “Transition”
It’s advertised on my car that I offer services for Dead Name Burial and Rebirth. However, the only time anyone asks about it is to ask what it is.
Whilst I’m happy to explain what I mean, (as, for sure, anything that opens a conversation around inclusion and acceptance is good right?), I’ve not yet had anyone book one. So I thought I’d clarify what I mean by Dead Name Burial and Rebirth; why I offer them, and how they would work.

What is a Dead Name Burial?

Simply put I am offering people who are Transgender, Non-Binary, Gender-fluid the opportunity to have a ceremony to officially bury their dead name through a symbolic ritual that closes the  past and opens up the future to their more true and authentic self.

What is a Rebirth Ceremony?

I suggest that the ceremony is in two parts, symbolically burning the old birth certificate and then a naming ceremony with your chosen name.  Officially accepting you in all your authenticity.  With a special certificate to acknowledge the occasion.

Why have a ceremony of burial and rebirth?

Many families with Trans members are more than accepting of the real person they become. That does not mean they will not also mourn the loss of the person they grew up knowing.  As a parent having raised a son, say, they might be very happy to now have a daughter but also still miss the son they no longer have.
A ceremony for you alongside family and friends allows you to celebrate who you really are and allows them to accept and celebrate the real you whilst also acknowledging the loss too.  It’s like closing a good book and opening a new one with even more authentic characters with fuller, more rounded personalities in the lead roles.

It helps close the circle, a proper ending and a new beginning.

What is the format of a ceremony of Burial and Rebirth?

Well, that is entirely up to you.  Like every celebration and commemoration I create and deliver, I start with an open mind and a blank pad of paper.  The story is yours to tell.  The story is for me to hear and from there I will write a ceremony and create a ritual within that works for you, your family and chosen family.

It can be very private, with just you and possibly a significant other, or it can be a huge party style celebration.

We can burn stuff, rip stuff up, bury stuff.
People can speak, sing, dance, kiss, hug, laugh, cry.
It can take place anywhere. It can be as simple or elaborate as you want.

The important thing is that it celebrates you and the acceptance of you from those who matter to you.

Either or Both?

If you want, you can have a dead name burial without a rebirth or a rebirth without a dead name burial. Maybe it’s you who would like to organise a ceremony.  Maybe it’s your family who want to celebrate the new and more real you and show how much they love and accept you exactly how you are.

To Book

So let’s talk Trans Acceptance! Booking is simple. I don’t do automated forms because it’s important we speak and connect. I can’t tell your story if you don’t feel comfortable with me, so let’s have a chat.  DM me, text, email or call and we’ll arrange some time for a no obligation conversation. If you want a ceremony after that, you can ask for a quote, dependent on scale and location, and we can take it from there.

Special Offers

I have two offers to make to you.

I would love to offer one lucky Transgender person the opportunity to have a burial and rebirth ceremony for FREE in exchange for photos and a testimonial to enable other Trans people to understand what’s on offer and benefit from celebrating themselves in all their authenticity and uniqueness.

In addition, the first 3 people booking a ceremony for between now and 31/5/25 will get it half price or with a FREE professional photographer included – your choice.


Let’s Talk Trans : find me on TikTok or Insta 


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