Classic Car Adventures

Ffloyd joins the Pink Car Rally.. final pre-event update..

Collection pot for Ffloyd now exceeds £1000!!! 

What can I say but thank you Ffloyd Supporters and people of Llanwrtyd and thankyou ladies who donated their hair and shaved their heads to put the bulk of that money in their back in May (June, Jen, Aurelia – i love you all)

A thoroughbred rear engined car ...and a Ferrari !
A thoroughbred rear engined car …and a Ferrari !

Tomorrow is the big day.  Ffloyd, John and I will take the 175 mile drive to the start point.  We will travel from Llanwrtyd to Brecon and take the A40 as far as Witney; we’ll then join the A415 to Abingdon on Thames and the A4130 to Henley on Thames… look out for us and tweet photos if you catch us to @pinkcarrally.


Sails of Merit... by Sarah Liscoe
Sails of Merit… by Sarah Liscoe

We’re meeting fellow Husky owners (Rob & Sarah Liscoe) for a ‘camp’ in the back of our Husky’s with our matching blue/pink husky/tents handmade by Sarah and her new business “Sails of Merit”

10497904_10154439719450153_159132964683286482_o  Then its off to the start for 9am at Saintsbury Langley – if you are in the area come along and meet us – we’ll be liverying up with Little Princess Trust and Pink Car Rally posters and getting set for the off at 10am.  Then its  an M25 Pink Car Convey to Intu Lakeside where us Pinkies will be based all afternoon until 7pm meeting the public, selling Little Princess Goodies, allowing you to take our car’s photos for donations to our cause.

Remember if you see our Pinkie Convoy on the M25 this Saturday and Sunday please take a photo and post it to you FB page and tag Pink Car Rally 2014 or tweet @pinkcarrally or, of course – send me a copy and comment on this blog.

Wish us Pinkies well and feel free to donate … it’s a great cause… love to you all….

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