It can be lonely at Christmas. For some people, the approach of December brings worry, and sadness, even dread and fear. As TV and social media highlight “The Joys of …

In this mental health and wellbeing section of my blog, I aim to offer myself to you as authentically as possible; warts and all. We all have mental as well as physical health. sometimes those areas of our lives need outside support.
As a woman, i have the added joy of periods, pmt and now menopause to navigate. I believe that being open about such issues and opening up about them, makes me a more rounded, honest and transparent individual. When you work with me you get all of me and you deserve to see what that means
It can be lonely at Christmas. For some people, the approach of December brings worry, and sadness, even dread and fear. As TV and social media highlight “The Joys of …
Yes, you are. You are already that which you seek. Maybe you can’t see them yet, but you are there, under all the layers of expectation, trauma, guilt and, well, …
Since December ’23 I have been setting aside 1 hour per month (15th irrespective of the day of the week) for candlelight reflection . In that hour I have been …