…In the immortal words of Bill and Ted…
I was mindlessly pottering in my garden most of the weekend and decided I really must say something to you all, and then when i came to sit down and do it I noticed that Hubby had pretty much said everything i would have said, only more concisely and totally beautifully…
“A message to all my friends and family in these troubling times: Try and focus on the positives… For one, our beloved Earth has been given some much-needed breathing space (quite literally!). When we come through this, which we undoubtedly will, I believe a whole new order will present itself – no more growth for growth’s sake, more sympathy for our fellow-man, people thinking twice before jumping in their car, or hopping on a plane… In the meantime, get on with life as best you can, keep an eye out for your vulnerable friends and neighbours and stay positive… we humans can be magnificent, especially in a crisis.
Remember those immortal words of Bill and Ted – Be excellent to one another. “
This little paragraph really lifted my spirits… well that coupled with the sunshine … and the very large Baileys on ice I was cuddling when I read it 😉
So here are some of my positives so far…
- I’m talking more with and being more grateful for my parents
- I’m staying upbeat for those more vulnerable in our community
- I’ve taken a few hours work at the local shop so I can both offer a smiling face and a few positive words (at a distance) to anyone feeling stressed or frazzled
- I’m helping my friends and neighbours (more)
- I’ve written a list of all the things I can do in isolation and there is SO MUCH and it includes loads of self-love I would normally not find time to fit in (THE ONLY NEGATIVE IS THAT I NO LONGER HAVE AN EXCUSE NOT TO CLEAN THE HOUSE – DAMN YOU HOUSEWORK !!!)
- I’ve discovered Zoom for group gatherings and have started having virtual coffee mornings, wine evenings and family gathering using it (as well as business development meetings with my Business Wales Mentor and Celebrant Mentor) – you are welcome to join me x
- My garden this year is going to be A-MAY-ZING, the sun is shining and I don’t have to feel guilty about losing myself in it for hours
- I can see an end to the ‘House Snag List’ as hubby can’t be anywhere else 😉
- Bird song <3
To all of you out there, keep safe, keep sane and keep positive, but remember , its ok to not be ok, so reach out… we’re all here for each other
#community #itsoktonotbeok #selfisolationNOTsocialisolation